Thought and Defense Theory of Security and Military Defense of the Hanafi’s Religion

Hassan Khoraimi Arani
Fiqh religions
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Hossein Rajabi

The Islamic jurisprudential rulings on the defense and jihadist system have such a coherence that drawing them attention to a solid defense system and a mechanism. In all religions, the emphasis is on the defense system, one of the famous religions of the Hanafi religion, which has a special place among the Sunni people. In this article, using jurisprudential texts, we are going to give thought to their military defense thoughts at the end of each issue. It is also necessary to express the viewpoint of the Imam’s religion in order for our discussion to be more dynamic and effective. Religious scholars have the power to fight rape, believing in triple permits (ie, the legitimacy of the defense against aggression that has taken place in the past, and the ongoing aggression that is predicted and expected to occur in the future). The defense system in Hanafi jurisprudence is responsible for maintaining the security and national interests of the Islamic Ummah. In the defense of the Islamic State, it is the duty of the Islamic State to restrain security behaviors caused by social anomalies and provide necessary measures to deal with abnormalities such as assassination, embezzlement. From the point of view of Abu Hanifa, when the community gardens refuse to accept the government, they are Mahdar al-Damm. The defense system is responsible for maintaining the security and national interests of the Islamic Ummah, and the liberation jihad is in the interests of the Islamic Ummah. Defending the thought of Hanafi’s religion against the aggressor and against the Muslims is essential. The most important reasons of jurisprudence regarding the legitimacy of the war against aggression are based on the practice of the Prophet (pbuh) in the battle against the infidels and recited many verses of the Holy Qur’an, including: “The Witness for the Sabbath of Allah, the Father of the Faithful Against Us, for us” I believe that the defense of religious beliefs is not limited to the defense of Islamic lands, but the defense of the non-Muslims of the Dar al-Islam interlocutors from outside aggression, the invasion of their allies and their citizens,     From the explicit standpoints in front of the gardens, mohareb and al-Qur’ī, their view of the issue of terrorism and suicide operations can be clearly stated. Crime and violence in terrorism and suicide and orchestrated operations have not been far-fetched in terms of crime. Suicide attacks today are also suicidal, because in a suicidal and terrorist attack, hundreds of innocent people may be sent to death in addition to the suicide bomber himself. Such crimes in Islam are not justified by any logic.
1.The research methodology is librarian and analytical, and its objectives are: to explain the position of Hanafians against the defensive or invasive movements of Muslim and non-Muslim groups
2. Fair judgment based on Sunni jurisprudence on security and defense activities
3. Approximation of religions by explaining the distribution of jurisprudence of Hanafi and Imamiyeh, and the expression of shared principles and principles of defense that can be beneficial to Muslim societies.
4. Denial of any terrorist operations in Islamic societies and rejecting it from the point of view of Imamieh and Hanafi jurisprudence as the largest religion that has gained a great geography of the Islamic world.
5. The expression that takfiri groups and oratory operations have no origins in Islamic thought.