Thought and Theory of Security and Military Defense of the Hanabela Religion

Mohsen Sharifi
Fiqh religions
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Hossein Rajabi

A group of members of Takfir and Wahhabism to unite scholars and other religious scholars from the Sunni extremist faiths about beliefs and jihad, and … to the clergy of those religions, like Hanbali religion, to pretend that Hanbali’s religion or otherwise is unanimous In Jihad and extremes in different affairs. The present study discusses the library and documentation of thought and security theory and the military theory of the Hanbali religion. According to the above, it can be said that when referring to Sunnis, and especially the Hanbali sect, there is a similarity between Wahhabism and They do not see, although the religion of the right to Imami has many differences with other Islamic religions in the Islamic jurisprudence and does not consider it to be true, but the extremes that were observed in the Takfiris and are tangible among none of the other religions is significant. Defense and Jihad in the Hanabulya jurisprudence have a special status like Imamieh jurisprudence, so that the jurisprudents of Imamiyeh and Hanbali agree on the issue of the elimination of the invading aggression and have considered the respect of the life and honor as the greatest sanctity and considered the protector’s blood to be a guarantor. One can discuss the concept and the military theory of any religion in terms of both the concept of security thinking and security for the creation and maintenance of internal and external security. Nahad Hassbah, province of Habib Mobah (the command of the Civil War) is the most important means by which domestic security can be provided. In this regard, the jurists of the Imamite and the Hanabullah’s religion are in principle the Consultative Assembly and the Provincial Assembly, although there may be minor differences in some titles. From the point of view of Hanbali jurisprudence, defensive jihad has a direct relationship with maintaining external security. It should be defended by the Islamic state of Dar al-Islam, which is called Dar al-Islam, against the Dar al-Qa’far and the invasion. In this regard, the Hanabul jurisprudence is in agreement with the Imams’ jurisprudence, and in some cases there are some differences such as the ruling of the infidels of the infidels in Dar al-Islam which according to the Ha’balāh jurisprudents, non-Muslims They can not settle the island of Al-Arab and stay in it permanently. Islam’s defensive and security thinking has all the necessary components to provide a system.