The Jurisprudential Model of Enhancing Defensive Knowledge in Viewpoint of Denominations of Islam

Meysam Javadnia
Fiqh religions
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Mohammad Rasool Ahangaran
Hossein Rajabi, Seyyed Mohsen Fattahi

Protecting own life, wealth and family against the enemy is considered one the very natural (fundamental) rights of Mankind and this right is not restricted to any specific time period or any divine or non-divine religion. The most important aspect that contemporarily Human life is engaged with is defense with Conventional and Unconventional Weapons (or Defensive Ability in a broader image); therefore, analysis of the defensive foundations of Islam, from a comparative perspective which was subject to various questions, is significant and essential topic for research. Considering that, this thesis with the topic of “Model of Enhancement of Defensive Knowledge from the perspective of Islamic Jurisprudential Denominations”, will discuss the status of production, development and practice of various defensive weapons. This Thesis, obtaining the Library research method, will describe and analyze the facts with the usage of the major recourses of the Jurisprudential Denominations. The results of the research have suggested us that the maintenance and usage of the Conventional weapons with intention of defense are not only permissible but also necessary.  On the other hand, the maintenance and practice of the non-conventional weapons are not permissible in the viewpoint of Jurists of Islamic Denominations. Also, usage of Deception, Economic Boycott and Sanctions, Killing of Human Shields in the war are only permissible in very critical circumstances. With regards to the Enhancement of non-conventional weapons, though its production and maintenance are permissible; but, its usage is not permissible under any situation. Also, in war, according to the traditions of Prophet(S) and Infallible Imams (as), all kinds of deception are permissible with the aim of defeating the enemies if the enemy does not take refuge before that. Sanctions and the siege of infidels are permissible in order to prevent them from attacking Islamic Territories. Concerning the type of dealing with the infidels’ Muslim-human-shields, the Jurists permit to shoot the Muslim-human-shield in the case of necessity (such as the fear of other Muslims being killed by the enemy). Even in that case, the shots should be done targeting the enemies, not Muslims-human-shields.