Religious Inquiries Issue 20

Publication Date:
March 2023
Typology of Catholic Christianity’s Theological Interpretations of the Compatibility or Incompatibility of the Catholic Religion with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Pages 7-34
mohammad Hosien Taheri Akerdi
Temporary Marriage: A Comparative Study between the Zoroastrian Tradition of the Late Sassanid Period and Twelver Shiism
Pages 35-66
mohsen harati; Mansureh zarean
The Role of the Variable of Culture in Religious Dialogues of the Vatican
Pages 67-95
Mahdi Salehi; Mehrab Sadeghnia; hamidreza Yosofi
The Relationship between Veiling the Prophet’s Face in Iranian Painting of Safavid Era and Hurufism Beliefs
Pages 97-127
Mona Mirjalili Mohanna; Seyed Abolqasem Hosseini; seyed Mohamad Hosein Navvab
Examining Hossein Ali Shah Isfahani’s Theological Method in Refuting Padori
Pages 129-155
razieh sirousi; morteza Mezginejad
Comparative Analysis of Avestan and Zand Text of Visprad (Kardag 1-8)*
Pages 157-177
fateme sadat eshaghi; ehsan changizi; Mojtaba Monshizade
Examining Manichean Artworks Recovered from Western China with a Look at the Two Concepts of “Liberation” and “Return of Light”*
Pages 179-203
Nariman Aminian; Esmaeil Bani ardalan
Fasts of the Manichaeans: Species, Number, Time, and Reason
Pages 205-227
Hadi Valipour; Mohammad Shokri- Foumeshi
An Analysis of the Form of Hindu Temples and the Role of Myth in Shaping the Map and Facade of Temples
Pages 229-259
Ahmad Heydari
Examining Jerome Gellman’s Proposed Definition for Mystical and Religious Experiences
Pages 261-284
Mohammad Keivanfar; Hasan Ibrahimi; Mohammad Reza Bayat
Epistemology of Love according to Augustine and Ahmad Ghazali
Pages 285-312
Zeinab Ahghar; Bakhshali Ghanbari; Abdol-Reza Mazaheri
Tremendum of the Numinous: Assessing the View of Rudolf Otto and Transcendental Wisdom
Pages 313-335
mahdi qorbanzadeh; ali shirvani; mahdi lakzaei; mahdi alimardi